FIRST students - Youth
Middle School & High School
The Student Ministry of First Baptist Church seeks to disciple students, grades 6-12, and intentionally reach the lost of Eastland County. Our prayer for our students is that they:
1. Know and Follow Jesus.
2. Be able to share the Gospel. (Matthew 18:19; Matthew 24:14)
3. Serve with a willing and joyful heart. (Mark 10:45)
wednesday nights @ FBC Eastland
Our Wednesday night worship services are for students that are currently in 6th-12th grade. Doors open at 6:00PM with a meal from 6:15-6:45PM. Middle School and High School will have a message and worship time in the youth room upstairs, then break up for grade-appropriate discipleship groups. We will finish by 7:45 PM.
sunday school
Through the testimony of men and women who serve Christ intentionally in various professions, and through the encouragement of your peers you’ll be able to engage and relate. High School and Middle school students join us every Sunday Morning at 9:30AM in the Youth Room. We then invite our youth to our church-wide worship service in the Sanctuary at 10:45AM.
We invite you to attend any of our events and experience for yourself how God is working in our students’ lives here at FBC Eastland!
summer camp
Each summer our youth go to Glorietta, New Mexico for an amazing time at camp. Look for information to come in the Spring!
For more information contact our Student Minister - Derrick Morris