FIRSTstudents Youth
FIRST students - Youth
Join us each Wednesday night for FIRSTstudents! This is our weekly Wednesday night gathering for middle schoolers and high schoolers (6th-12th grades). We have a time of fellowship and provide a meal each week for youth. Students will dive into God's word during large group and break into small groups by grade to apply these biblical truths to their lives.
We are asking parents/guardians to register your youth so we have a working email address and emergency contact information.
sunday school
Join us each Sunday in the youth room for Sunday School at 9:30AM where we dive deeper into God’s word and kids are discipled in small groups. We then invite our youth to our church-wide worship service in the Sanctuary at 10:45AM.
summer camp
Each summer our youth go to Glorietta, New Mexico for an amazing time at camp. Look for information to come in the Spring!
For more information email us: FIRSTstudents Email