Food Pantry
FBC Food Pantry
FBC Eastland has a great opportunity to help out our community in a very tangible way. There are many families living paycheck to paycheck who, oftentimes, may not be able to get the bare necessities of life. Our Food Pantry serves families in need on a near daily basis. Due to the generosity of our church family and local organizations, and by the grace of God, our pantry puts food on the table for many Eastland County families. If you'd like to partner with us by donating some of the non-perishable items listed below please feel free to do so. Your simple donation will help meet the needs of Eastland County residents.
Peanut Butter
Canned Meat (Chicken, Tuna, Spam, Beef)
Boxed Dinners (Chicken Helper, Tuna Helper, etc.
Soup & Stew
Pork & Beans
Canned Pasta (Ravioli, Spaghetti & Meat Balls, Spaghettio's, Beefy Macaroni, etc.)
Macaroni & Cheese
Pasta Noodles - dry
Spaghetti Sauce
Canned Fruit
Evaporated Milk
Powdered Milk
Pancake Mix (water only)
Cooking Oils
Velveeta Cheese
Box of Tea
Canned Vegetables (tomatoes, corn, green beans, mixed veggies, peas, etc.)