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405 S. Seaman
Eastland, TX 76448

(254) 629-3355

First Baptist Church in Eastland, TX. 

Reach. Connect. Grow. Seek.

Adults (Copy)

Women’s Ministry

The Ladies’ Ministry is a great way to meet and get to know many of the ladies of First Baptist Church. A woman can experience the joy and fellowship of other ladies while rejoicing in the love of Christ by participating in the various Christian activities offered through the Ladies’ Ministry.

A sample of past, current, and future activities planned by the Ladies’ Ministry is:

  • Game Nights

  • “Fresh Grounded Faith” Conference with Jennifer Rothschild, Brownwood, Texas

  • “If:Gathering,” Dallas, Texas

  • “If We’re Honest” Meetings

  • Paint Party

These are just to name a few of the wonderful opportunities a woman can experience through the Ladies’ Ministry of First Baptist Church. For more information on how you can become involved, call the church office at 254-629-3355 and speak with Mandi Whittlesey.

Men’s Ministry

Men of Honor bible Study - Tuesdays at 7:00am in FBC Conference Room

When you think of honor, what quickly comes to mind is the word character; who you are, and the life that people see, defines your character. That’s what Men of Honor is all about. Men of Honor is a weekly Bible fellowship that meets every Tuesday morning at the Connellee Hotel, at 7:00 am. Our motto, Men of Honor, Honoring God, Family, Church!” We seek to Honor God in all that we do, realizing that our number one ministry is first to our God, as defined by the Bible (Father, Son, Holy Spirit,) then to our Family, and finally to our Church.

Luke 9:23 “Then He said to them all, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Come and be a part of a growing ministry that seeks to honor God with our Commitment for follow Him.


CHOIR - WEDNESdays at 5:15Pm in CHOIR ROOM

If you love to worship through singing, you should consider joining Choir! We are made up of adults of all ages and skill levels, but the thing we have in common is a love for singing in community to our Lord. Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 5:15, and we help lead worship from the choir loft the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month. We often share special music during the worship service as well as performances for Christmas and other special events. Choir at FBC Eastland is vibrant and growing, and we would love to have you be a part!